Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Human Gods (revised) and the party

JOVAN was the human God.  As a monotheistic faith, JOVAN was dominant in all spheres of influence, touched everything the humans did, and granted spells to the faithful; under HIS influence the Church of JOVAN came to have great influence over the human Empire's development.  JOVAN was, in a traditional alignment scheme, NG.

JOVAN is now dead.  HE has one priest left, a scattered few relics, and some Paladins who still pay HIM some sort of regards.  In HIS wake are the new human gods:

  • AELAEPHIXIA is generally represented as a tall woman wearing full armor and holding a spear.  SHE is generally associated with war, battle, the moon, courage, and strength; SHE is Lawful Evil.
  • ASHELOIATAUR wears a faceless and formless-but-well-formed humanoid shape when appearing.  HE is associated with faceless masses, anonymity, magic, and the hidden/unseen.  HE is CN.
  • YAOLNAIGH is a wizened old man with a beard and a smile that appears variously congenial and insane.  HE is associated with madness, mysteries, mortality, and penance; HE is CE.
  • SITHRAK is a strange, somewhat bestial humanoid, with stringy patches of hair and an extra joint is HIS arms and legs.  HIS influence is that of control (especially over monsters and other humans) and slavery, trickery, and the night.  HE is NE.

Most of the worshipers of the above Gods are insane, by any regards.  It is a dark time for the human Empire!

Currently, the party casts as equivalent as 2nd level priests.  They have each chosen two domains, with the abilities of each domain and one 1st level domain spell per day; they can each cast a 1st level cleric spell and 2 0th level spells each day, too.  If anyone takes a level in any divine-casting class these spells are in addition to any of those spells; and the effective caster level for any cleric spells or abilities will be increased by two.

Freeing JOVAN also gave the party a permanent +1 to all saves as JOVAN's boon.

The spells and powers the party has do not come from any particular deity, and no powers need be invoked to use them.  Starting at 3rd circle, these and more powerful spells must come (at least in part) from a deity's beneficence.

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